Minibus 1 Bus - 1st Settlement Station (New Cairo) - Mazallat Station

This route is not in service today (6 October 2024).
Showing schedules for 1 June 2022 instead

Minibus licensed by Cta Minibus 1 bus Route Map

Minibus 1 bus Line Map
List of stops

      Higher Institute Of Marketing Commerce & Information Systems ➞ Al Mazallaat ( Shubra)

      Higher Institute Of Marketing Commerce & Information Systems10:00
      Sky Mart Mall (1st Settlement)10:00
      Ibrahim Al Rifaie School (1st Settlement)10:03
      Al Shabrawy (1st Settlement)10:08
      Al Shabab Square (1st Settlement)10:10
      Al Rahman Mosque (1st Settlement)10:11
      Al Shabab Entrance (1st Settlement)10:12
      Swan Lake Compound (1st Settlement)10:15
      Twin Plaza10:18
      Wadi Degla Sporting Club (New Cairo)10:20
      Tolip (Zahraa Nasr City)10:23
      Zahraa Nasr City10:24
      Al Kahraba St. (Nasr City)10:28
      Al Nour Mosque (Nasr City)10:29
      10th District (Nasr City)10:31
      Al Masah Hospital (Mahdy Arafa St.)10:33
      Ragab Sons (Mahdy Arafa St.)10:34
      Al Tabba (Nasr City)10:36
      Kids Land (Mostafa Al Nahas St.)10:42
      Pizza Hut (Mostafa Al Nahas St.)10:43
      Doctors Tower (Nasr City)10:46
      Abbas Al Akkad St. & Mostafa Al Nahas St.10:50
      Al Tawheed Wal Nour (Abbas Al Akkad St.)10:51
      Banque Misr (Abbas Al Akkad St.)10:52
      Batrawy (Abbas Al Akkad St.)10:53
      Panasonic (Abbas Al Akkad St.)10:54
      Awwal Abbas Al Akkad10:58
      Rabaah Al Adaweya Mosque11:00
      Al Nasr Hotel (Al Tayaran St.)11:01
      Al Tayaran St. & Khedr Al Touny St.11:02
      Girls' College (Ain Shams University)11:05
      Telecom Egypt Central (Almaza)11:08
      Al Tawheed Wal Nour (Al Nozha St.)11:10
      7 Omarat11:11
      Macdonald's (Mergheny St.)11:12
      Al Thawra Hospital (Helipolis)11:14
      Al Itihadeya11:17
      Gesr Al Suez St. & Al Qobba St.11:20
      Saray Al Qobba11:22
      Teraat Al Gabal St.11:24
      Ibrahim Anwar Mosque (Al Zaytoun)11:25
      Bisco Misr (Al Zaytoun)11:27
      Novartis Pharma (Al Zaytoun)11:28
      Dabsha (Al Zaytoun)11:29
      Port Said St. (Al Sawah)11:30
      Shahrazad Hall ( Sawah)11:31
      Aswan Pedestrian Bridge (Shubra Al Kheima)11:33
      Al Tadreeb Gate (Teraet Al Ismaili St)11:34
      National Authority For Military Production11:35
      Traffic Licensing Complex (Shubra)11:36
      Al Mazallaat ( Shubra)11:40

      Mazallat Station ➞ Didi Mall (1st Settlement)

      Mazallat Station10:00
      Traffic Licensing Complex (Shubra)10:03
      Al Tadreeb Gate (Teraet Al Ismaili St)10:06
      Aswan Pedestrian Bridge (Shubra Al Kheima)10:07
      Dabsha ( Al Zaytoun)10:11
      Novartis Pharma (Al Zaytoun)10:12
      Bisco Misr (Al Zaytoun)10:14
      Ibrahim Anwar Mosque (Al Zaytoun)10:17
      Teraat Al Gabal St.10:19
      Saray Al Qobba10:21
      Gesr Al Suez St. & Al Qobba St.10:22
      Al Nady St. & Al Khalifa Al Mamoun St.10:25
      Al Itihadeya10:29
      Al Thawra Hospital (Helipolis)10:32
      Macdonald's (Mergheny St.)10:33
      Al Kersh Cars (Heliopolis)10:36
      Koleyet Al Banat Metro10:37
      Girls' College (Ain Shams University)10:39
      Rabaah Al Adaweya Mosque10:42
      Awwal Abbas Al Akkad10:44
      Panasonic (Abbas Al Akkad St.)10:47
      Batrawy (Abbas Al Akkad St.)10:49
      Banque Misr (Abbas Al Akkad St.)10:50
      Al Tawheed Wal Nour (Abbas Al Akkad St.)10:51
      Wonder Land Mall (Abbas Al Akkad St.)10:54
      International Garden10:55
      Abbas Al Akkad St. & Mostafa Al Nahas St.10:58
      Doctors Tower (Nasr City)11:01
      Pizza Hut (Mostafa Al Nahas St.)11:04
      Kids Land (Mostafa Al Nahas St.)11:05
      Al Moemen Mosque11:06
      Al Tabba (Nasr City)11:10
      Ragab Sons (Mahdy Arafa St.)11:11
      Al Masah Hospital (Mahdy Arafa St.)11:12
      10th District (Nasr City)11:14
      Al Kahraba St. (Nasr City)11:17
      Sun Mall11:18
      Zahraa Nasr City11:20
      Tolip (Zahraa Nasr City)11:21
      Police Academy (New Cairo)11:23
      Wadi Degla Sporting Club (New Cairo)11:25
      Emerald (New Cairo)11:27
      Police Academy (Mostafa Kamel Axis)11:29
      1st Settlement Authority11:31
      Al Shabab Entrance (1st Settlement)11:32
      Al Tawheed Mosque (1st Settlement)11:35
      Postal Office (1st Settlement)11:37
      Ibrahim Al Rifaie School (1st Settlement)11:39
      Didi Mall (1st Settlement)11:40
      Last updated on 1 June 2022
      All data is available in GTFS feed: cairo-gtfs-bus

      Bus Minibus 1 FAQ

      • What time does the Minibus 1 bus start operating?

        Services on the Minibus 1 - 1st Settlement Station (New Cairo) - Mazallat Station bus start at 10:00 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

      • What time does the Minibus 1 bus stop working?

        Services on the Minibus 1 - 1st Settlement Station (New Cairo) - Mazallat Station bus stop at 11:40 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

      • Is there a Minibus 1 bus stop near me?

        Click here  to view the nearest Minibus 1 - 1st Settlement Station (New Cairo) - Mazallat Station bus stop.

      Minibus 1 (Egypt Buses)

      The first stop of the Minibus 1 bus route is Higher Institute Of Marketing Commerce & Information Systems and the last stop is Al Mazallaat ( Shubra). Minibus 1 (1st Settlement Station (New Cairo) - Mazallat Station) is operational during everyday.

      Additional information: Minibus 1 has 53 stops and the total trip duration for this route is approximately 100 minutes.

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