All About Bus 446 - Nightly Larnaca Station - Makenzy - Dromoloxia - Tersefanou - Kiti - Pervolia in Larnaca


446 bus Route Map

446 bus Line Map
List of stops

      Pervolion Ave. - Protomagias 1 ➞ Larnaca Station

      Pervolion Ave. - Protomagias 1

      05:0002:00 +1


      05:0102:01 +1

      Antistaseos - Ifigeneias

      05:0102:01 +1

      Spirou Ttantí

      05:0102:01 +1

      Grigori Afxentiou Ave. - Ammochostou

      05:0202:02 +1

      Ammochostou - Dimitriou Glinou

      05:0202:02 +1

      Pervolion Ave. - Protomagias 22

      05:0302:03 +1

      Pervolion Ave. - Lakonias 2

      05:0402:04 +1

      Pervolion Ave. - Apostolou Pavlou 2

      05:0402:05 +1

      Arch. Makaríou

      05:0502:06 +1

      Archiep. Makariou C´ Ave. - Tinou

      05:0702:08 +1

      Archiep. Makariou C´ Ave.

      05:1002:11 +1

      Tersefanou Village Centre 1

      05:1002:11 +1

      Grigori Afxentiou - Eleftheriou Venizelou

      05:1102:12 +1

      Archiep. Makariou C´ Ave. - Grigori Afxentiou

      05:1102:13 +1

      Archiep. Makariou C´ Ave. - Kosti Palama

      05:1302:15 +1

      Meneou Ave. - Markou Drakou

      05:1502:16 +1

      Kiti Municipal Stadium 2

      05:1602:18 +1

      Archiep. Makariou C´ Ave. - Spartis

      05:1602:18 +1

      Archiep. Makariou C´ Ave. - Chanion

      05:1702:19 +1

      Archiep. Makariou C´ Ave. - Geraniou 2

      05:1802:20 +1

      Georgiou Griva Digeni - Andrea Miaouli 1

      05:1902:21 +1

      Onasagorou - Agiou Panteleimonos Ave. 1

      05:1902:22 +1

      Agiou Panteleimonos Ave. - Grigori Afxentiou

      05:2002:22 +1

      Agiou Panteleimonos Ave. - Archiep. Kyprianou

      05:2002:23 +1

      Ag. Panteleimonas Old Church 2

      05:2102:23 +1

      25 Martiou Ave. - Antistaseos

      05:2202:25 +1

      Artemidos - Vyzantiou

      05:2302:26 +1

      Dimokratias - Stadiou

      05:2402:27 +1

      Timiou Prodromou - Omonoias

      05:2502:28 +1

      Timiou Prodromou - Dromolaxia - Airport Road 2

      05:2502:28 +1

      Larnaka Airport

      05:2902:32 +1

      Artemidos Ave. - Old Airport 2

      05:3502:39 +1

      Artemidos Ave. - Tasou Mitsopoulou Ave. 2

      05:3602:40 +1

      Makenzy 2

      05:3702:41 +1

      Tasou Mitsopoulou Ave. - Sioumpert 1

      05:3802:42 +1

      Kastella Beach

      05:3902:43 +1

      Psarolimano 2

      05:3902:43 +1


      05:4002:44 +1

      Oum Charam - Papoutsialik

      05:4002:45 +1


      05:4102:46 +1

      Apolloniou Kitieos

      05:4102:46 +1

      Larnaka Community Centre

      05:4202:46 +1

      Andrea Souroukli - Stylianou Lena

      05:4202:47 +1

      Old Hospital

      05:4302:48 +1

      Pancyprian Lyceum

      05:4302:48 +1

      Grigori Afxentiou Ave. - Foinikoudes 2

      05:4402:49 +1

      Archiep. Makariou C´ Ave. - Filiou Tsigaridi 1

      05:4402:49 +1

      Larnaca Station

      05:4502:50 +1
      The schedule is provided in the local timezone. Times with "(+1)" indicate departures on the next day.

      Larnaca Station ➞ Pervolion Ave. - Protomagias 22

      Larnaca Station 01:00 +1
      Grigori Afxentiou Ave. - Foinikoudes 1 01:01 +1
      Old Hospital 01:02 +1
      Larnaka Municipal Theatre 1 01:02 +1
      Old G.S.Z. 01:03 +1
      Artemidos Ave. - Okkoular 1 01:04 +1
      Kotza Tepe - Istampoul 01:06 +1
      Touzchane - Papoutsialik 01:06 +1
      Tasou Mitsopoulou Ave. - Sioumpert 2 01:10 +1
      Makenzy 1 01:11 +1
      Artemidos Ave. - Tasou Mitsopoulou Ave. 1 01:13 +1
      Artemidos Ave. - Old Airport 1 01:14 +1
      Larnaka Airport 01:22 +1
      Timiou Prodromou - Dromolaxia - Airport Road 1 01:26 +1
      Timiou Prodromou - Dimokratias 01:27 +1
      Dimokratias - Dimitras 01:28 +1
      25 Martiou Ave. - Artemidos 01:30 +1
      Artemidos - Vyzantiou 01:31 +1
      Ag. Panteleimonos Ave. - Akropoleos Ave. 1 01:32 +1
      Ag. Panteleimonas Old Church 1 01:33 +1
      Agiou Panteleimonos Ave. - Michail Karaoli 01:34 +1
      Onasagorou - Agiou Panteleimonos Ave. 2 01:35 +1
      Georgiou Griva Digeni - Andrea Miaouli 2 01:35 +1
      Archiep. Makariou C´ Ave. - Geraniou 1 01:36 +1
      Archiep. Makariou C´ Ave. - Galinis 01:37 +1
      Archiep. Makariou C´ Ave. - Gypsou 01:38 +1
      Kiti Municipal Stadium 1 01:39 +1
      Meneou Ave. - Gravias 01:41 +1
      Archiep. Makariou C´ Ave. - Tinou 01:42 +1
      Archiep. Makariou C´ Ave. 01:45 +1
      Tersefanou Village Centre 1 01:46 +1
      Grigori Afxentiou - Eleftheriou Venizelou 01:47 +1
      Archiep. Makariou C´ Ave. - Grigori Afxentiou 01:48 +1
      Archiep. Makariou C´ Ave. - Kosti Palama 01:50 +1
      Panagia Angeloktisti Church 01:52 +1
      Kiti Police Station 1 01:52 +1
      Archagelos Michail Church 01:52 +1
      Pervolion Ave. - Mikinón 01:53 +1
      Pervolion Ave. - Apostolou Pavlou 1 01:53 +1
      Pervolion Ave. - Lakonias 1 01:54 +1
      Pervolion Ave. - Protomagias 1 01:55 +1
      Keryneias 01:57 +1
      Antistaseos - Ifigeneias 01:57 +1
      Spirou Ttantí 01:57 +1
      Grigori Afxentiou Ave. - Ammochostou 01:58 +1
      Ammochostou - Dimitriou Glinou 01:58 +1
      Pervolion Ave. - Protomagias 22 02:00 +1
      The schedule is provided in the local timezone. Times with "(+1)" indicate departures on the next day.
      The schedule is provided in the local timezone. Times with "(+1)" indicate departures on the next day.
      Last updated on 21 January 2025
      All data is available in GTFS feed: lpt

      Bus 446 FAQ

      • What time does the 446 bus start operating?

        Services on the 446 - Nightly Larnaca Station - Makenzy - Dromoloxia - Tersefanou - Kiti - Pervolia bus start at 05:00 on Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

      • What time does the 446 bus stop working?

        Services on the 446 - Nightly Larnaca Station - Makenzy - Dromoloxia - Tersefanou - Kiti - Pervolia bus stop at 02:50 +1 on Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

      • Is there a 446 bus stop near me?

        Click here to view the nearest 446 - Nightly Larnaca Station - Makenzy - Dromoloxia - Tersefanou - Kiti - Pervolia bus stop.

      446 (Larnaca Buses)

      The first stop of the 446 bus route is Pervolion Ave. - Protomagias 1 and the last stop is Larnaca Station. 446 (Nightly Larnaca Station - Makenzy - Dromoloxia - Tersefanou - Kiti - Pervolia) is operational during on weekends.

      Additional information: 446 has 49 stops and the total trip duration for this route is approximately 50 minutes.

      See why over 2 million users trust and consider as the best public transport website. BusMaps gives you Larnaca Buses suggested routes, real-time bus tracker, line route maps in Larnaca, and helps to find the closest 446 bus stops near you. No internet available? Download an offline PDF map and bus schedule for the 446 bus to take on your trip.

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