All About Bus H08 - Pobl. Las Turbinas - (M) Lo Ovalle in Santiago


H08 bus Route Map

H08 bus Line Map
List of stops

      Pg1585-Parada / Est. Intermodal Lo Ovalle ➞ Ph618-Juan F. González / Esq. Pedro Lira

      Pg1585-Parada / Est. Intermodal Lo Ovalle


      Pg1587-Paulina / Esq. Santa Corina


      Ph250-Avenida Lo Ovalle / Esq. 2ª Transversal


      Ph251-Avenida Lo Ovalle / Esq. 4ª Transversal


      Ph252-Avenida Lo Ovalle / Esq. Pasaje 4


      Ph253-Avenida Lo Ovalle / Esq. Las Magnolias


      Ph254-Avenida Lo Ovalle / Esq. Las Camelias


      Ph255-Avenida Lo Ovalle / Esq. Los Cardenales


      Ph349-Avenida Lo Ovalle / Esq. Av. Clotario Blest


      Ph465-Avenida Lo Ovalle / Esq. Arturo Alessandri


      Ph1501-Avenida Lo Ovalle / Esq. Armada Nacional


      Ph466-Avenida Lo Ovalle / Esq. Avenida Central


      Ph607-Avenida Lo Ovalle / Esq. 6 Poniente


      Ph608-Avenida Cerrillos / Esq. Buenaventura


      Ph609-Avenida Cerrillos / Esq. Card. José Mª Caro


      Ph610-Avenida Cerrillos / Esq. Av.Pdte. S.Allende


      Ph611-Avenida Cerrillos / Esq. Pasaje 19 Sur


      Ph612-Avenida Cerrillos / Esq. Pasaje 23 Sur


      Ph613-Avenida Cerrillos / Esq. Av. Frei Montalva


      Ph614-Av. Edo. Frei Montalva / Esq. Pío Xii


      Ph615-Av. Edo. Frei Montalva / Esq. La Habana


      Ph67-Card. Raúl Silva H. / Esq. Osa Menor


      Ph356-Central / Esq. Gil De Castro


      Ph68-Gabriela Mistral / Esq. 9 De Enero


      Ph616-Augusto D`Halmar / Esq. Mariano Latorre


      Ph617-Augusto D`Halmar / Esq. Juan Fco. González


      Ph618-Juan F. González / Esq. Pedro Lira

      Times marked with “—” indicate that the vehicle does not stop at this stop.

      Ph468-Pedro Lira / Esq. Juan Fco. González ➞ Pg1585-Parada / Est. Intermodal Lo Ovalle

      Ph468-Pedro Lira / Esq. Juan Fco. González 00:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:00
      Ph595-Augusto D`Halmar / Esq. Tomás Somerscales 00:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:00
      Ph596-Augusto D`Halmar / Esq. Gabriela Mistral 00:0100:0100:0100:0100:0100:0100:0100:0100:01
      Ph75-Gabriela Mistral / Esq. 9 De Enero 00:0100:0100:0100:0100:0100:0100:0100:0100:01
      Ph1513-Gil De Castro / Esq. Avenida Central 00:0200:0200:0200:0200:0100:0200:0200:0200:02
      Ph292-Av. Américo Vespucio / Esq. 2 Poniente 00:0300:0400:0400:0400:0300:0400:0300:0300:04
      Ph598-Av. Américo Vespucio / Esq. Pío Xii 00:0300:0500:0500:0400:0300:0400:0400:0400:04
      Ph599-Avenida Cerrillos / Esq. Av. Frei Montalva 00:0500:0600:0700:0600:0400:0600:0500:0600:06
      Ph600-Avenida Cerrillos / Esq. Pasaje 23 Sur 00:0500:0700:0700:0600:0500:0600:0600:0600:06
      Ph601-Avenida Cerrillos / Esq. Av.Pdte. S.Allende 00:0600:0900:0900:0700:0600:0700:0700:0700:08
      Ph602-Avenida Cerrillos / Esq. Pasaje 13 Sur 00:0700:1000:1000:0800:0700:0800:0800:0800:09
      Ph603-Avenida Cerrillos / Esq. Av. Card. José Mª Caro 00:0800:1100:1100:1000:0800:1000:0900:1000:10
      Ph604-Avenida Cerrillos / Esq. Buenaventura 00:0900:1200:1300:1100:0800:1100:1000:1100:11
      Ph605-Avenida Lo Ovalle / Esq. Azteca 00:1000:1400:1400:1200:1000:1200:1200:1200:12
      Ph606-Avenida Lo Ovalle / Esq. Avenida Central 00:1100:1500:1500:1300:1000:1300:1200:1300:13
      Ph477-Avenida Lo Ovalle / Esq. Cooperación 00:1200:1600:1700:1400:1100:1400:1300:1400:14
      Ph478-Avenida Lo Ovalle / Esq. Maipú 00:1300:1700:1800:1500:1200:1500:1400:1500:15
      Ph479-Avenida Lo Ovalle / Esq. Av. Clotario Blest 00:1300:1800:1900:1600:1200:1600:1500:1600:16
      Ph366-Avenida Lo Ovalle / Esq. Inés De Suárez 00:1400:2000:2000:1700:1300:1700:1600:1700:17
      Ph257-Avenida Lo Ovalle / Esq. Pasaje 38 00:1500:2100:2100:1800:1400:1800:1700:1800:18
      Ph258-Avenida Lo Ovalle / Esq. Valparaíso 00:1600:2200:2200:1900:1500:1900:1800:1900:19
      Ph259-Avenida Lo Ovalle / Esq. Av. J. J. Prieto Vial 00:1700:2300:2400:2000:1600:2000:1900:2000:21
      Pg274-Avenida Lo Ovalle / Esq. Nueva 2 00:1700:2400:2400:2100:1600:2100:2000:2100:21
      Pg289-Avenida Lo Ovalle / Esq. Colón 00:1800:2500:2600:2200:1700:2200:2100:2200:23
      Pg278-Avenida Lo Ovalle / Esq. Ciencias 00:2000:2700:2700:2400:1900:2400:2200:2300:24
      Pg1107-Ciencias / Esq. Briones Luco 00:2000:2800:2800:2400:1900:2400:2300:2400:25
      Pg425-Ciencias / Esq. Sergio Ceppi 00:2100:2800:2900:2500:2000:2500:2400:2500:25
      Pg1167-Locarno / Esq. Paulina 00:2100:3000:3000:2600:2000:2600:2500:2600:26
      Pg1585-Parada / Est. Intermodal Lo Ovalle 00:2200:3000:3100:2700:2100:2700:2500:2600:27
      Times marked with “—” indicate that the vehicle does not stop at this stop.
      Times marked with “—” indicate that the vehicle does not stop at this stop.
      Last updated on 11 November 2024
      All data is available in GTFS feed: metropolitano

      Bus H08 FAQ

      • What time does the H08 bus start operating?

        Services on the H08 - Pobl. Las Turbinas - (M) Lo Ovalle bus start at 00:00 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

      • What time does the H08 bus stop working?

        Services on the H08 - Pobl. Las Turbinas - (M) Lo Ovalle bus stop at 00:32 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

      • Is there a H08 bus stop near me?

        Click here to view the nearest H08 - Pobl. Las Turbinas - (M) Lo Ovalle bus stop.

      H08 (Santiago Buses)

      The first stop of the H08 bus route is Pg1585-Parada / Est. Intermodal Lo Ovalle and the last stop is Ph618-Juan F. González / Esq. Pedro Lira. H08 (Pobl. Las Turbinas - (M) Lo Ovalle) is operational during everyday.

      Additional information: H08 has 27 stops and the total trip duration for this route is approximately 32 minutes.

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