ОАО Брестоблавтотранс 2600 (Пинск - Варшава) Bus


2600 (Пинск - Варшава) bus Route Map

2600 (Пинск - Варшава) bus Line Map
List of stops

      Аўтавакзал Пінск ➞ Dworzec Zachodni

      Аўтавакзал Пінск


      Аўтавакзал Кобрын


      Аўтавакзал Брэст




      Dworzec Zachodni


      Dworzec Zachodni ➞ Аўтавакзал Пінск

      Dworzec Zachodni 05:1515:3019:10
      Тересполь 08:3118:4622:26
      Аўтавакзал Брэст 10:4320:5800:38 +1
      Аўтавакзал Кобрын 11:3421:4901:29 +1
      Аўтавакзал Пінск 13:4423:5903:39 +1
      The schedule is provided in the local timezone. Times with "(+1)" indicate departures on the next day.
      The schedule is provided in the local timezone. Times with "(+1)" indicate departures on the next day.
      Last updated on 1 December 2021
      All data is available in GTFS feed: wr-belarus

      Bus 2600 (Пинск - Варшава) FAQ

      • What time does the 2600 (Пинск - Варшава) bus start operating?

        Services on the 2600 (Пинск - Варшава) bus start at 04:00 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

      • What time does the 2600 (Пинск - Варшава) bus stop working?

        Services on the 2600 (Пинск - Варшава) bus stop at 23:56 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

      • Is there a 2600 (Пинск - Варшава) bus stop near me?

        Click here to view the nearest 2600 (Пинск - Варшава) bus stop.

      2600 (Пинск - Варшава) bus Route Map

      2600 (Пинск - Варшава) bus Line Map PDF Version: 2600 (Пинск - Варшава) timetable, stops and map

      2600 (Пинск - Варшава) (Brest Buses)

      The first stop of the 2600 (Пинск - Варшава) bus route is Аўтавакзал Пінск and the last stop is Dworzec Zachodni. 2600 (Пинск - Варшава) is operational during everyday.

      Additional information: 2600 (Пинск - Варшава) has 5 stops and the total trip duration for this route is approximately 266 minutes.

      See why over 2 million users trust and consider BusMaps.com as the best public transport website. BusMaps gives you Brest Buses suggested routes, real-time bus tracker, line route maps in Brest, and helps to find the closest 2600 (Пинск - Варшава) bus stops near you. No internet available? Download an offline PDF map and bus schedule for the 2600 (Пинск - Варшава) bus to take on your trip.

      2600 (Пинск - Варшава) bus near me