61B Bus - Jmscdb61

This route is not in service today (21 September 2024).
Showing schedules for 23 September 2024 instead

Empresa DE Transporte Amancay Srl 61B bus Route Map

61B bus Line Map
List of stops

    Moreno y Palacios B ➞ Cabecera Pilar Ii

    Moreno y Palacios B00:00
    Elflein y Quaglia00:02
    Elflein y Rolando00:02
    Elflein y Palacios00:03
    Elflein y Frey00:03
    Elflein y Onelli - Shopping00:04
    Onelli y Tiscornia00:05
    Onelli y Anasagasti B00:06
    Onelli y 25 de Mayo00:07
    Onelli y Neuquén00:08
    Centro de Salud Las Quintas00:08
    Onelli y Padre Mascardi00:09
    EEE N°5 Yampai00:09
    Onelli y Padre Felipe Laguna00:10
    Av. Juan Herman y Otto Goedecke00:10
    Av. Juan Herman y Sobral00:11
    Av. Juan Herman y Beschtedt00:12
    Av. Juan Herman y Rolando00:13
    Av. Juan Herman y Miramar00:14
    Av. Juan Herman y Carlos Wiederhold00:14
    Av. Juan Herman - Rotonda00:15
    Av. Juan Herman y Coiron00:16
    Charcao y Av. Juan Herman00:17
    Charcao y Cacique Purran00:18
    Charcao y Cacique Chocori00:18
    Charcao y Cacique Prafil00:19
    Charcao y Cacique Nahuel00:19
    Charcao y Cacique Casimiro00:20
    San Cayetano y Molle00:21
    San Cayetano y Ñancu Lahuen00:22
    San Cayetano y Paico00:22
    Pil Pil Voqui y San Cayetano00:23
    Cacique Casimiro y Pico00:24
    Cacique Casimiro y Llanten00:24
    Ñancu Lahuen y Cacique Casimiro00:25
    Ñancu Lahuen y Cacique Nahuel00:25
    Cacique Prafil y Ñancu Lahuen00:26
    Cacique Prafil y Paico00:27
    Shaquil y Cacique Prafil00:27
    Cacique Chocori y Shaquil00:28
    Peulla y Cacique Chocori00:28
    Av. Juan Herman y Aguada de Guerra00:29
    Av. Juan Herman y Chapel00:30
    Av. Juan Herman y Rotonda RN 4000:31
    RN 40 y Rotonda Av. Juan Herman00:32
    RN 40 y Hormigonera00:34
    RN 40 Km.203000:35
    RN 40 y Acceso Pilar Ii00:35
    Acceso Pilar II y San Juan Bosco00:36
    Vicente Robles y San Juan Bosco00:37
    15 de febrero y Primeros Pobladores00:37
    15 de Febrero y El Ventana00:38
    15 de febrero y Centinela del Bosque00:38
    A. Acevedo y 15 de Febrero00:39
    Acceso a Pilar II y Angélica Acevedo00:40
    Acceso Dos Valles00:41
    Cabecera Pilar Ii00:44
    Last updated on 20 September 2024
    All data is available in GTFS feed: buenosaires-transporte

    Bus 61B FAQ

    • What time does the 61B bus start operating?

      Services on the 61B - Jmscdb61 bus start at 00:00 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

    • What time does the 61B bus stop working?

      Services on the 61B - Jmscdb61 bus stop at 00:44 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

    • Is there a 61B bus stop near me?

      Click here  to view the nearest 61B - Jmscdb61 bus stop.

    61B (San Carlos de Bariloche Buses)

    The first stop of the 61B bus route is Moreno y Palacios B and the last stop is Cabecera Pilar Ii. 61B (Jmscdb61) is operational during on weekdays.

    Additional information: 61B has 57 stops and the total trip duration for this route is approximately 44 minutes.

    See why over 2 million users trust and consider BusMaps.com as the best public transport website. BusMaps gives you San Carlos de Bariloche Buses suggested routes, real-time bus tracker, line route maps in San Carlos de Bariloche, and helps to find the closest 61B bus stops near you. No internet available? Download an offline PDF map and bus schedule for the 61B bus to take on your trip.

    61B bus near me

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